Plant Care Guidelines

Adaptation and Pollination:
See variety chart in

Any good, deep, well-drained soil. pH 5.5 to 7.5.

Fertilize with a balanced plant food according to label directions.

How much: Apply enough water to wet the soil 3 to 4 feet deep. To determine the proper amount of water for your soil type, see How Much Water to Apply.

How often: Water when the soil 6 inches below the surface is just barely moist.

Apples are borne on short fruiting branches (spurs) that grow on 2-year-old wood. The spurs continue to fruit for about 10 years. Prune lightly, since the removal of many spurs will reduce the apple yield. Thin out weak, crossing, or dead twigs and branches. When apples are thumbnail size, thin them to 6 inches apart, with 1 fruit per spur.

Apples are ripe when their seeds turn dark brown to black, the flesh turns creamy white, and the apple stem separates easily from the spur when the fruit is gently lifted. Harvest earlier if you prefer tart apples.

Related Links
Apple Maggot
Bitter Rot
Black Rot
Cedar-Apple Rust
Codling Moth
Flatheaded Borers
Fruit Tree Leafroller
Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck

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